Ryan Voigts

“Ryan has been an awesome addition to GOLFTEC! He has had to deal with a lot of challenges in his first year but has handled all of them with the utmost professionalism. Working in HR isn’t always the most fun but Ryan makes it fun with his attitude and demeanor each and every day.

“Ryan has really transformed the HR team for the better. He shows up every day with a smile and a can-do attitude. He really steps up when his TEAM is struggling and always makes sure it’s a fun day at the office.

“Ryan shows up to HQ everyday ready for action! He’s been a tremendous help with our department and has already made a significant impact on the TEAM.

“Always a friendly face and has been nothing but helpful to everybody.

“Ryan has done great work this year in helping streamline HR processes. He has been easy to work with and is a great TEAM member.

“He has added a bit of levity to the office which I appreciate. I have an odd sense of humor which he rises to match. He is a large presence in the office with a booming voice and has made himself right at home pretty quickly. He does a great job of encouraging folks to stay engaged with the team and the company. I also think I saw that he has offered up a role in GBASH 2024. Welcome aboard whether you win or not.

“Crushing it with the HR gang.”

Beth Muir

“Great attitude and teamwork.

“Beth has done a great job building relationships and raising the bar when it comes to recruiting.

“Beth has greatly assisted with transforming the Recruiting TEAM since joining in May. Her contributions have been invaluable to GOLFTEC, and her ideas continue to push us to improve.

“In such a short time, she has become an invaluable team member in HR. AND I love working with her.

“Beth brought IMPROVEMENT to the recruiting TEAM and quickly gained the confidence of the OPS TEAM.

“Beth has a very strong work ethic and strives hard to keep up with her tremendous workload. She goes beyond what is needed to keep me informed about the many new hires, including background checks, email addresses, and other important information re: a new employee. She responds to my emails right away and always asks if I need any additional information. She is a joy to work with and am grateful that she is on my team.”

Gareth Londt

“Incredible work within the SkyTrak realm, especially around standing up new technology in such a short period of time.

“Instrumental in getting SkyTrak on to new platforms for continued growth.

“To stand up a brand new warehouse inventory and shipping platform in 6 weeks speaks for itself. Gareth’s confidence and assurance during this change was just the attitude SkyTrak needed during a difficult time.

“For getting ST systems updated.

“He’s done a tremendous job migrating systems and creating opportunity for the company to grow.”

Taylor Crawford

“Taylor from day one faced a ton of challenges which included managing a huge team. He immediately came in and built one on one relationships with all of his employees. He has made working for him super comfortable and he helps create change that is needed.

“I haven’t worked directly with Taylor, but I’ve heard very good things about what he has accomplished as the Director of Customer Service. Merging the Technology Services and Call Center Teams has been a huge endeavor and I understand that with his guidance and problem-solving solutions, these teams can drive business growth through excellence in customer service.

“Taylor has rebuilt the customer service department, teamed well across the company to bring additional value. I don’t have a $$ impact but I believe it to be significant.

“He is an amazing leader and has really gotten things done.

“Taylor came in swinging and has provided great ideas, direction, and leadership.

“Taylor came into a difficult role with a mandate to bring process and order to a number of teams that didn’t work as a unit before. He has been professional and deliberate with his actions and has proven to be a great asset for the GTE organization.”

Will Voncannon

“Will has been a very important piece to our recruiting efforts in the second half of 2023.

“Always on point day in and day out.

“Will was incredible to work with this year. Professional, organized and always asking how he could help. I’m very happy to call him a fellow TEAMMATE!

“Will hit the ground running when he joined the Recruiting TEAM in September. He has already made a positive impact to the TEAM, helping to make Recruiting efforts more efficient and effective!”

Eric Benner

“Eric took what was a scattered brand identity for SkyTrak and made it recognizable.

“Eric works on graphics, templates, and content; his work speaks for itself. He is a rockstar!

“Creates amazing creative for our marketing efforts across socials, email, and websites.”

Taylor Bartlett

“Completely rocked building out the new website for SkyTrak.

“Taylor is the deserving recipient of the Rookie of the Year award for his exceptional contributions to both GOLFTEC and SkyTrak. His innovative work in website development, SEO enhancement, and creative design has been instrumental in driving SkyTrak’s success. Moreover, Taylor’s dedication, exemplified by his willingness to work extensive hours and assist across both brands, embodies the values and professionalism that are at the core of the GOLFTEC & SkyTrak team ethos.

“Super fun guy with amazing design skills and critical thinking!”

Rachel Harris

“She came from the 24/7 purchase. She literally jumped into a new role and has become our go-to on all things warehouse. She is very smart, passionate, and humble in her approach. She will continue to grow within our company.

“She has been a part of leading and instructing a huge transition in the operations that is making several areas more efficient.

“Rachel has had an incredible impact on the SkyTrak organization since joining the Team in February 2023. She was critical in transitioning the 24/7 business into SkyTrak, which included manufacturing, forecasting, a ramp up in production, working with overseas suppliers, and moving existing 24/7 customers onto the SkyTrak platform. Additionally, she was critical in the success of the new SkyTrak Tech Stack project and continues to have an outsized impact on the day-to-day improvements through the warehouse and operations areas.”

Chris Koske

“Doing an incredible job building and transforming SkyTrak’s marketing team and influencing GOLFTEC’s marketing vision.

“In just under a year Chris has come on board with SkyTrak, and had a major impact on all aspects of that business. I know he would say he has had a lot of help and I’m sure he did, but he took it all on and has put them on a great trajectory for success. He is a class act with a great attitude and I’m sure glad he joined the GOLFTEC Enterprises family.”

Ryan Liberty

“Ryan has come in and given it his all, working late nights, weekends and making a material change in the business.

“Ryan has helped drive the SkyTrak E-commerce business in amazing ways. From partnering with Amazon, Ebay, and all different payment methods to launching a world-class website that’s helped drive millions of dollars. Ryan is always willing to lean in and help anyone, anytime. I greatly appreciate Ryan and his contributions this year.”

Andrew Shaw

“Andrew has done a great job in the buyer/planner role and is always extremely helpful.”

Dan Benzenberg

“Dan has been great as a new Director of Operations. He is thorough, and provides timely information.”

Demond Briones

“Greatly enjoy working with Desmond from the GOLFTEC side. He’s always willing to learn, listen and provide insights. It’s great to have that collaboration between the brands and to have someone on the team willing to step up and help anyone.”

Eric Gambon

“Eric has been a great asset to our team and company since joining earlier this year. He has demonstrated many times that he is able to pick up new tasks quickly and efficiently. He is always eager to learn and is willing to help the team at any time. His drive and ambition are very much appreciated on the Accounting Team!”

Jackson Wetherbee

“While Jackson was originally brought on to help with creating and testing a platform for AI golf lessons, he has been extremely productive in advancing other projects over the finish line. SkyTrak custom ranges, challenges, QA support for both the GOLFTEC app and SkyTrak hardware, coming soon a new green reading feature, OptiMotion multi-camera testing, as well as data collection for enhancements to SkyTrak’s face and path calculations were just a few of the important tasks Jackson took on to help improve GOLFTEC products this year.”

Joe Calabria

“Joe is a great leader and shows that leadership on a daily basis. He not only cares about the company but also you as an individual and your own personal growth within the organization. He has tremendous background that has already brought and will continue to bring great strides to GTE.”

Landry Yantou

“Landry hit the ground running this year in a tough position where he’s largely by himself overnight supporting our overseas operations. He’s quickly adapted to the difficulty of solving problems independently where possible and communicating effectively with his team across shifts.”

Linin Chea

“Always on the ball with the WH staff and getting the details taken care of. So polite and hard-working! I think she’ll be a long-term valuable asset!”

Michael Hampton

“Michael just started, but has brought a fresh perspective to the TEAM as a whole, is eager to learn, and I am hopeful for what he brings to GOLFTEC Nation!”

Stephen Liotta

“Stephen has repeatedly gone above and beyond during a rough transition. He has taken on some extra tasks and worked extremely hard to ensure that our customers are up and running as quickly as he possibly can.”