John Spagnola

“Mainly for the performance of the company and brand. John always seems to be looking for ways on how we can get ahead of the curve and progress as a company. He seems to put his team in great positions to succeed and grow the brand.”

“John always strives to improve and better our team on many levels. Through analysis, guidance, and inspiration he has always stressed the importance of improving our results as a team. He empowers every member to contribute in a way that improves the company and the individual.”

“I nominated John for improvement because I’m always impressed with how knowledgeable John is about our business and the impact the marketing team has on improving it. His recall on the success or failure of past promotions, and his understanding of our efforts to improve our business through a variety of marketing channels helps us all improve the business.”

“John is always looking to push our company to new heights; he spearheaded the launch of our external e-commerce website and got us to sell products to non-students for the first time. With that project came a lot of other amazing discoveries and changes that will advance GOLFTEC each and every day.”

Taylor Crawford

“This guy has come into the business and connected support to the other disciplines of the company. What used to be a behind-the-curtains department is now front and center and actively working with the entire organization to make revenue.”

“He constantly challenges the systems, processes to make it better. He also does it with a great attitude.”

“Always has the ambition to make the product and customer support experience better!”

Chris Koske

“Chris had a huge position to fill joining the SkyTrak team. It has been awesome to watch him build his own marketing team and improve the overall experience and growth of SkyTrak.”

“Chris has become an important cog in the GTE wheel. As SVP of Marketing, he has made great contributions to the SkyTrak/GOLFTEC brand and has brought in innovative marketing strategies to help grow the business.”

Brandon Smith

“Brandon has been thrust into the Tier 3 technician role soon after starting officially with GOLFTEC, and has been adapting extremely well into his new role. He’s been communicative on new issues, escalating issues to DEV quickly, and has been an extremely valuable asset to the CTS team.”

“Brandon is always looking to grow and learn, taking on new responsibilities within his first year at GOLFTEC and knocking it out of the park.”

Desmond Briones

“Embracing new platforms and learning his way around them.”

“Does so much and always is willing to jump in and get it done.”

Jackson Wetherbee

“Jackson has been a huge part of SkyTrak’s launch and design process. He has tested different builds, continued to push the envelope with innovation, and never complains. He’s always excited to work on new things and challenges himself and others daily to continually improve.”

“Starting as a Content Creator, quick U-turn, is now an R&D specialist. His skills and overall commitment to excellence is his driving force day in and day out.”

Sabrina Naccarato

“She is always learning new industry standards and digging into her job to be the best!”

“Watching Sabrina’s improvement is awesome to see. She has become a pro in Braze and is very competent and confident in her job. Sabrina, keep up your stellar improvement!”

Tom Howard

“Tom is always working towards IMPROVEMENTs for the coaches in center. And he brings great perspective on from his days in-center!”

“Tom was instrumental in numerous initiatives that made GOLFTEC better in 2023 (GOLFTEC App, Swing Capture, New Service Menu, & Clubhouse advancements just to name a few). By keeping multiple departments organized, informed and on-task, he’s able to navigate the evolving needs of the business and help launch products that are constantly improving the GOLFTEC experience.”

Amy Lynn

“Amy’s work on posting orders, helping me get labels, and placing orders for influencers has been fantastic this year!”

Amy Parsons-Morland:

“Amy is always looking to improve or learn new things.”

CJ Perry

“CJ really stepped up in 2023 and took on more project management, GTU classes, process improvements, international management improvements and more. He works hard on getting better and improving each day – at times his golf game has suffered but his Asana skills have shown huge IMPROVEMENT.”

Clirim Marku

“He is constantly trying to push further with his skills and is always willing to learn something new.”

Courtney Smith

“Courtney has had some many changes and balls thrown at her, she continues to adapt and grow all of the time.”

Don Thorup

“Don’s operational knowledge is exceptional, but I think his best quality is his willingness to listen to many different angles of a problem and then put forth a best-case scenario for moving forward. I enjoy working with Don because he appreciates all opinions from the low man on the totem pole all the way to the CEO.”

Eric Gambon

“Eric’s unwavering work ethic and willingness to learn contributes immensely to our team’s success. He is constantly impressing our team with his ability to take on new tasks and procedures with efficiency and accuracy.”

Ethan Wood

“Is there anything he cannot fix!?”

Flynn McClain

“Flynn is so impressive with the amount of projects he is leading all at the same time. Flynn is intelligent and organized beyond words which helps him lead the charge of improvement.”

Gareth Londt

“Bringing much-needed perspective and expertise to GOLFTEC and SkyTrak and quickly jumping in and doing the dirty work quickly to upgrade key SkyTrak systems.”

Jason Lee

“The GOLFTEC Pro Shop is leaps and bounds from where it first started. The amount of energy and hard work that Jason and his team have poured into that project is out of this world. From simply the increase in product quality to testing out the fabulous public-facing shop- it’s incredible. And to top it all off, this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday were historic days for the Pro Shop, and I can’t wait to see more days like it to come soon!”

Jon Marquardt

“He is always pushing to improve even when things are doing well.”

Jonathan Wells

“He has helped create some clarity on the ST financials by working to get things coded and put into the system correctly.”

Kevin Chen

“Kevin is always willing to help – offering his assistance when someone needs help at the drop of a hat. He has a passion for helping others and consistently checks in on TEAM members to make sure people are doing well. He looks to help others where needed and to make sure that HQ has a good work environment. This shows his willingness to help improve the office culture.”

Khoa Mai

“While many do not interact with Khoa, that guy is always working, always looking to make things better, and has never said ‘no’ to any request. He is a fantastic resource for constant improvement with all things dev.”

Lauren Opperman

“Lauren is the ideal recipient of the Improvement Award, as her arrival this year has significantly enhanced our social media advertising, lead growth, and nurturing strategies. Her dedication to self-improvement, staying abreast of the latest social trends, algorithms, and best practices, has not only boosted her performance but also inspired the team. Lauren’s initiative and ambition exemplify the essence of continuous improvement, making her a valuable asset to both GOLFTEC & SkyTrak.”

Michael Smaldone

“Mike has proven his expertise in managing the warehouse deliverables for center openings is very valuable in his accuracy and knowledge of the products that need to be sent out. Mike has always offered quick concise and accurate updates when asked. He has always gone above to solve an issue or provide an answer which is greatly appreciated by myself and my team. We are glad he is back to our supporting role in the warehouse.”

Michael Martinez

“Michael is always seeking to expand his knowledge and understanding of current systems and work processes.”

Nick Clearwater

“This guy works tirelessly on the improvement of GOLFTEC and our product offerings. I am excited to see what the future holds with some of the innovative products being worked on by him. While fairly soft-spoken, he is exceptionally insightful when I approach him with dumb swing questions. I will use him as a sounding board for different things as I value his insight and opinion.”

Rik Falcon

“Rik always innovates the needs for GOLFTEC. Whether it’s improving streamlining deliveries or improving orders going out more efficiently, Rik is really there to help improve and help all departments.”

Robert Klados

“Robert works long hours and does an outstanding job keeping the QA TEAM organized. His TEAM contributes to every release or update in CaddyMaster, SkyTrak, Clubhouse, and the mobile apps. They have been instrumental in allowing us to start the New Membership Field Test and start selling Gift Cards. Ops, Marketing, and Finance all benefit greatly from the work the QA TEAM does, and I cannot think of anyone who contributes more to the value of IMPROVEMENT than Robert Klados.”

Ryan Liberty

“Constantly looking to improve and upgrade systems we have in place so we can be as efficient as possible.”

Taylor Crawford

“He’s always willing to help and constantly strives to improve the organization in different areas.”

Ted Iandola

“Navigates a mountain of tech and dev items every day to make GOLFTEC and SkyTrak better.”

Thane Hoffman

“Thane has a strong work ethic and was promoted to Jr Financial Analyst this year. He always helps me with my excel questions and gave an excellent presentation on excel to several groups at GOLFTEC. He is fun to work with and is always nice about helping me to understand when I have a question about my spreadsheets.”

Tom Howard

“Working with Tom on various aspects of the new GOLFTEC app has showed his dedication to IMPROVEMENT! He’s always there to answer questions and help out with problems. Awesome stuff Tom!”

Tyler Gebhardt

“Lots of changes in our department and Tyler goes with the flow as we make adjustments.”

Vianney Collard

“Vianney is constantly looking for different ways to help out, both the customers and the TEAM. Even when she was unable to stay on phones, she took on other responsibilities to take pressure off of the TEAM.”

Zach Lambeck

“Always coming up with creative thoughts to help enhance the experience for our students.”