Gareth Londt

His fortitude in changing the tech stack for the SkyTrak business. In addition to helping push it along, he went through a lot of long nights getting us to where we needed to be.

When reading the description of this award and it focusing on ‘achieving a goal’ Gareth comes to mind. The launch of the new website and sales systems has exceeded all expectations. Gareth and the team worked extreme hours to provide massive tools to the SkyTrak team.

He came into to work on various things for Quinn. We quickly changed his role and had him re-platform the ST business. He did what he said he could do, delivered on time, worked with various team members and has set ST up for amazing results which we are already seeing today.

Gareth’s work to transition to an entirely new stack of operational and marketing systems was a huge undertaking. And do it in the first year of his tenure at SkyTrak and GOLFTEC makes it an even bigger accomplishment! A prime example of an incredibly rare and impressive feat.

Gareth came in and had to learn a lot of details in a short amount of time so he could effectively make decisions that would make a significant impact on the business. He has done a fantastic job!

For successfully leading a major systems overhaul!!

Gareth joined GOLFTEC in April 2023 and immediately began making an impact. He quickly saw that the tech stack needed to be refreshed and single-handedly convinced Senior Management to commit to this project. He then worked with all departments to identify appropriate systems, negotiated contracts with vendors, created test environments, ran test scenarios, mapped the existing SkyTrak data from the legacy system to the new Tech Stack, and worked tirelessly for nine weeks to deliver the systems. He pulled all-nighters to deliver against the schedule, built a great project team, kept management informed about progress, and delivered new, robust systems to marketing operations, finance, and others that are now serving to dramatically grow the business. What he accomplished in nine weeks is basically unparalleled in the systems world. We are extremely lucky to have such a professional technologist as part of our Team.

Nick Clearwater

Nick has been a pivotal part in the launch and execution of ST Plus this year. His leadership and guidance have been pivotal in launching a successful product to the marketplace. He has spent extra time and effort outside of his normal working hours to ensure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. He works with both the GOLFTEC and SkyTrak TEAMS seamlessly and passes on his professionalism and knowledge to both groups.

Nick has been a mentor since my start at GOLFTEC, and he is so pivotal in the TQ and SkyTrak TEAM. He takes the time to make sure that things run smoothly even if that means working outside normal hours. He has been a leader to many and will always go above and beyond.

With all the new things this year for both SkyTrak and GOLFTEC, he has been a driving force for all of it. The direction and leadership he has shown help us to make these products even better.

From being named a Top 20 Golf Teacher in the U.S., to his work with SkyTrak+, to being in front of the camera for many of our content shoots and countless other efforts, Nick Clearwater deserves the Double Eagle award. It’s been great working with him on several projects, and his dry sense of humor rivals that of a fine Napa Cabernet. I’m always learning something new about the golf swing, or the golf industry in general when working with Nick.

Chris Koske

The team he has put in place is amazing, and his guidance has really taken the SkyTrak marketing department to new heights. From sales to a new website, he deserves this award for what he’s done in this department.

Chris is the epitome of exceptional leadership and versatility, making him the ideal recipient of the Double Eagle Award. Despite being with GOLFTEC Enterprises for just over a year, his extensive experience and insights have significantly contributed to the company’s growth. His ability to embrace and excel in diverse projects, even those outside the realm of marketing, demonstrates his commitment to the team’s success. Under his guidance, Chris has built a team of high performers whose achievements under his leadership have led to a record-breaking year for SkyTrak. His dedication and skill in fostering a high-performing team environment have been instrumental in helping SkyTrak reach and surpass their goals.

Rare find – he’s never shy to take on new projects and see them through to completion while improving inefficiencies in other areas along the way.

John Williams

Keeps the HR machine running.

Does everyone remember that just a few short years ago, we had 1-2 people in HR and John Williams was a Director of Ops? John made the leap into HR, and that entire department transformed. We’ve hired record numbers of new employees year over year, all while John was building out his team as well. He implemented the use of new recruiting platforms, added training modules, and moved us all to a new MBO tracking software that replaced spreadsheets. Great work John!

John constantly searches for ways to make processes more efficient within the HR & Recruiting Departments. He has been working hard to make sure that TEAM members have the resources & systems they need in order to make their day-to-day work more productive and effective. He is passionate about his work and recognizes and values the work of other TEAM members.

Jeff Foster

Jeff came in, took over a large new line of business in SkyTrak and served as CSO and really delivered value across the board. He recruited and hired high performers and really exemplifies the leadership qualities that any company desires.

Brave enough to push everyone to the new platforms.

John Spagnola

John goes above and beyond in everything he does. Website changes, SkyTrak onboarding, Gift Cards website, and overall strategy. He accomplishes more than most teams and is always looking for ways to make GTE better.

Day after day, year after year, John brings his A game to everything he does. He is always leading the charge to make GOLFTEC better and is as dependable as the sunrise. John makes everyone around him dig a bit deeper to do a bit more simply to try and keep up with his efforts.

Ted Iandola

Ted’s ability to find solutions and work on projects truly impacts the center’s ability to be successful. He is a great TEAM member!

Ted has been an extremely valuable team member as a Solutions Architect. He’s been communicative with the CTS team and keeping all of us informed of the processes behind everything. He’s also worked countless hours building the RMA process for the Skytrak + units in centers and working to collaborate with multiple departments in the background.

Beth Neuerburg

She has built countless versions of the budget/forecast and added in ST financials on top of the regular budgeting/forecasting for GT.

Chad Covak

Chad may be the most under the radar impactful person in this company at his level. Chad shows so much leadership, support, and expertise in problem-solving for the entire company not just his team. He deserves to be recognized as such an important figure.

CJ Perry

As long as I have worked with CJ, I have never seen him work harder than this past year. CJ was tasked with leading a ton of our larger marketing campaigns, and he crushed every single one. Having to

add the new responsibility of leading these campaigns on top of his daily duties was not a light lift by any means. But if anyone could do it with a positive attitude and a smile on his face, it is CJ Perry. There’s no doubt he deserves the Double Eagle Award this year, no one worked harder or went above and beyond than him.

Dave Baltzer

Dave was instrumental in opening new centers in South Africa and Dubai. Expanding to several different countries in one year, this is a huge achievement.

Desmond Briones

Desmond has been a tremendous help to me since I started. He is very organized, responsive, and extremely helpful when I ask for assistance. I love Desmond because I feel comfortable enough to talk him about non-work related topics, as well as work related topics. He is an extremely worker and it is a pleasure being apart of the same team as him. He makes everyone’s life easier.

Don Thorup

Been a great leader on the SkyTrak side in terms of collaboration, pushing for improvements, taking on more responsibilities, and leading the Warehouse team.

Flynn McLain

Flynn is always willing to offer a helping hand, no matter how big or small the task is. He keeps projects on track and things moving consistently moving forward.

Jason Emken

It goes without saying that Jason plays an integral part in driving the company’s success. His great institutional knowledge and deep understanding of the company’s fundamentals go a long way. He has assisted and led many projects that will aid in the future growth of the company. We as a company are very fortunate to have such a talented individual leading the accounting department.

Jeremy Klecker

Jeremy always goes above and beyond for anyone to figure out the answer within his department and other departments. He is very knowledgeable about what it takes to help develop new processes, and has current processes down to memory to know what AP needs to complete tasks.

Jerry Olsen

Hard-working and have gone out of his way to make every detail happen that is requested. He works hard at what he does and is always kind and happy to help! He is a superstar!!

Joe Assell

I don’t know how a person gets voted into the Colorado PGA HOF and doesn’t get nominated for the Double Eagle Award. Joe’s guidance and vision are essential to the success of the company and the reason we all have someplace to be today, tomorrow, and into the future. Joe thanks for trusting me to be a small part of the process.

Jorge Castro

Hard-working and have gone out of his way to make every detail happen that is requested. He works hard at what he does and is always kind and happy to help! He is a superstar!!

Josh Troyer

Josh exemplifies what GOLFTEC is with his professionalism, integrity, work ethic, and his determination to help others no matter what the reason. He is someone I would go to first to help me understand something or to get feedback from as he provides great intel. An all-around great coworker and I think he is a great role model for myself.

Khoa Mai

I could go on for days about how valuable Khoa is to GTE. I got the chance this year to have more direct interactions with Khoa directly and his passion for improvement and the overall state of the business can’t be beat. His knowledge of all systems and his willingness to help tackle the biggest or smallest problem and lend a helping hand is so valuable for our team. He goes above and beyond in delivering a variety of products. I’m not 100% sure if he ever sleeps as he’s constantly dedicated to the GOLFTEC Team. Brandon and I now joke we look forward to the first Slacks from Khoa and that they make our day as we need big progress is about to happen. Thank you for all you do, Khoa!

Kimberley Morrison

She goes above and beyond when helping so many departments.

Morgan Grimshaw

Morgan always gets the job done very well. He always helps the entire marketing department push our brand forward! He goes above and beyond and is great to work with on a daily basis.

Robert Klados

Robert works long hours and does an outstanding job keeping the QA TEAM organized. His TEAM contributes to every release or update in CaddyMaster, SkyTrak, Clubhouse, and the mobile apps. They have been instrumental in allowing us to start the New Membership Field Test and start selling Gift Cards. Ops, Marketing, and Finance all benefit greatly from the work the QA TEAM does, and I cannot think of anyone who contributes more to the value of IMPROVEMENT than Robert Klados.

Ryan Liberty

Burning the midnight oil to get the hub spot and our e-commerce working and working flawlessly.

Ryan Voigts

A lot of deserving employees can be put in this category, but Ryan displays all of our company values and I believe is the most deserving of this award.

Sean Kennedy

Sean has been with GOLFTEC now for a year and a half and has had a tremendous impact from the time he has come on board. Sean is always happy to take on any task and is there to help the TEAM at all times. Sean single-handedly managed all leaves for GOLFTEC Enterprises to make sure that anyone in need knew their options in a time of need. This has been a huge undertaking, and Sean knocked it out of the park.

Susie Coll

I am not sure what GOLFTEC would do without Susie, she does so much behind the scenes that keeps this company together. I have said a lot about her above, but the main thing I want to stress is I have a glimpse into her workload and no matter how busy she is, she makes sure that every employee that has an issue with benefits and payroll gets her attention. She goes beyond what is expected to talk with employees and their families to reassure them that they will be ok on benefits and payroll. She has so much responsibility of trying to manage so many states and all the particulars about their tax, benefit, payroll, etc rules, it is amazing that she is handling all that she does. She inspires me to work hard and go beyond what is needed for our employees especially the coaches and center managers. People speak very highly of her to me, and I am so grateful that she is my manager. Hats off to Susie for working so very hard for all of us.

Son Le Hai

I don’t think Son ever sleeps, he and his team have shouldered an unbelievable amount of work this year. He is always there for both the GOLFTEC and SkyTrak teams, pushing out updates to TECSWING and SkyTrak at a voracious pace. It’s difficult to list all of their accomplishments from 2023 here, from taking over primary development of the SkyTrak software and integrating it with TECSWING, to launching a new version of Optimotion that our students can use both at home and in the bay, his team has managed to achieve what many others could not in the same timeframe.

Quinn Perkins

What can be said about the man with his finger on the pulse of everything? Without Quinn, so many things would have shut down, broke down, and failed to fully function. He helped so strongly with the SkyTrak transition and is instrumental in the developments happening with GOLFTEC and the Clubhouse website/app.