

  • Nick Clearwater
  • Patrick Nuber
  • Zach Lambeck
  • Bryan Collins
  • Nick Cross
  • Josh Troyer



  • Rik Falcon
  • Michael Martinez
  • Linen Chea
  • Michale Smaldone
  • Arturo Barajas Vega
  • Jose Barajas
  • Jerry Olson
  • Natalie Bombailer
  • Jorge Castro
  • David Hall
  • Matthew Provo
  • Raul Lopez Jr



“Always exhibits GOLFTEC’s culture, is never negative or stressed (outwardly), just a been a great resource and is always fun to work with.”

“Michael is always willing to elevate other team members with his incredibly infectious humor on a daily basis. He sees where he can make a positive impact and inserts himself into projects with a helpful attitude and always exudes a can-do attitude. People seem to enjoy work more when Michael is around. I know I do.”

“Michael can put a smile on anyone’s face. He is friendly to everyone and makes the workplace a fun place to be!”

“The way Michael greets everyone with a smile and something positive or upbeat is a perfect representation of our core value of FUN. It is great to see someone display such a positive outlook, and I know it has a positive impact on his co-workers as well.”

“Mike is always a valuable resource, eager to help with any question, and a very positive and upbeat presence in the office.”

“It is hard not to crack a smile or two when working with Michael, who keeps things light but professional. Even the most dull meeting is a bit more tolerable if Michael is at the table.”



“Cassidy always has a smile on her face. She constantly comes up with new ideas for GBASH and does a great job each with the GTU groups to ensure they have a fun experience. She’s a joy to be around and always wants to have fun at the office. Cassidy makes coming to work each day enjoyable and exciting.”

“Dilly Dilly Captain! Brings incredible excitement to GBOSH. Makes sure events are set up and really helps drive home the FUN in GOLFTEC. She also has a great attitude and is willing to take on more tasks – it’s FUN to be around people that are willing to step up and do more.”

“Cassidy is the deserving recipient of the FUN Award, thanks to her infectious enthusiasm and positive energy that brightens our front desk and team events. Her willingness to tackle diverse tasks with a smile and her ability to make challenging goals seem fun and attainable have been instrumental in creating a welcoming and enjoyable work environment for everyone.”



“Jackson has become the most fun person to be around at the office. He can make the worst day one of the best with one of his jokes. He always makes sure everyone is enjoying themselves and never lets a bad day get to him.”

“Jackson brings positive energy and helps make coming to work every day FUN!”

“This guy is always smiling and always having a good time. His attitude and demeanor are infectious. I would guess he’s had a bad day or two here, but he’d never let you on to it. He is always willing to help and is fun to have engaged in different projects as you get an ‘outsider’s’ perspective. Thanks for being awesome!”

“Jackson is always smiling, having FUN at the office and willing to help make GOLFTEC better. What a great addition to HQ!”



“Brandon has been thrust into the Tier 3 technician role soon after starting officially with GOLFTEC, and has been adapting extremely well into his new role. He’s been communicative on new issues, escalating issues to DEV quickly, and has been an extremely valuable asset to the CTS team.”

“Brandon is always looking to grow and learn, taking on new responsibilities within his first year at GOLFTEC and knocking it out of the park.”



“Tom is always working towards IMPROVEMENTs for the coaches in center. And he brings great perspective on from his days in-center!”

“Tom was instrumental in numerous initiatives that made GOLFTEC better in 2023 (GOLFTEC App, Swing Capture, New Service Menu, & Clubhouse advancements just to name a few). By keeping multiple departments organized, informed and on-task, he’s able to navigate the evolving needs of the business and help launch products that are constantly improving the GOLFTEC experience.”



“I trust Josh whether it be with work issues or personal issues and know he will always try to help me with whatever it is. He is extremely responsible in and out of the office and enjoys his company.”

“Josh is as consistent as they come and always strives to do what is right. Josh treats others fairly and acts with integrity consistently.”



“The description says it all! This TEAM member sets a positive example of reliability and dependability on a daily basis and has the courage to uphold honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility, even when it is difficult to do so.”

“Sean is someone you can always count on to get the job done! He is always willing to help resolve a problem and he consistently exudes his ability to be reliable, dependable, and does so with respect.”



“Taylor from day one faced a ton of challenges which included managing a huge team. He immediately came in and built one on one relationships with all of his employees. He has made working for him super comfortable and he helps create change that is needed.

“I haven’t worked directly with Taylor, but I’ve heard very good things about what he has accomplished as the Director of Customer Service. Merging the Technology Services and Call Center Teams has been a huge endeavor and I understand that with his guidance and problem-solving solutions, these teams can drive business growth through excellence in customer service.

“Taylor has rebuilt the customer service department, teamed well across the company to bring additional value. I don’t have a $$ impact but I believe it to be significant.

“He is an amazing leader and has really gotten things done.

“Taylor came in swinging and has provided great ideas, direction, and leadership.

“Taylor came into a difficult role with a mandate to bring process and order to a number of teams that didn’t work as a unit before. He has been professional and deliberate with his actions and has proven to be a great asset for the GTE organization.”



“She came from the 24/7 purchase. She literally jumped into a new role and has become our go-to on all things warehouse. She is very smart, passionate, and humble in her approach. She will continue to grow within our company.

“She has been a part of leading and instructing a huge transition in the operations that is making several areas more efficient.

“Rachel has had an incredible impact on the SkyTrak organization since joining the Team in February 2023. She was critical in transitioning the 24/7 business into SkyTrak, which included manufacturing, forecasting, a ramp up in production, working with overseas suppliers, and moving existing 24/7 customers onto the SkyTrak platform. Additionally, she was critical in the success of the new SkyTrak Tech Stack project and continues to have an outsized impact on the day-to-day improvements through the warehouse and operations areas.”



“Susie is hardworking, honest and does the job of several people. As the Director of Payroll and Benefits, she truly cares about her fellow coworkers and GTE as a whole. Behind the scenes, she works tirelessly to keep up with the high demand of her role.”

“Susie makes it happen and much of that is done behind the scenes. Susie is always the first to try and help the TEAM and continuously goes above and beyond.”

“Susie has a depth of knowledge and is always willing to help teach others her expertise! She always displays the values of our company and does so in a professional manner. She is always willing to help TEAM members when needed.”

“Susie is an amazing manager. She has been encouraging and patient with me as I learned about GOLFTEC benefits and her excel spreadsheets. I know I scared her at first, but with her honesty, willingness to give feedback, and compassion, I have learned so much and am continuing to grow in my position. She is a great mentor to me because she goes above and beyond to help each and every employee. She truly cares about the employees and their families. She motivates me to do the best I can and to keep trying. She also reaches out to learn what I need to perform better and is also interested in what is going on in my life personally. She is fun, and I know by speaking with the team, she is well-liked and respected. I am very grateful that she is my manager.”



“I couldn’t have asked for a better employee. He sees a problem, he fills the gap. We’d be a lot better off if we had a bunch of Desmond’s.”

“In my 20-year professional career, I don’t know if I have seen a new employee integrate himself to the company and team quicker and more passionately than Desmond. His attitude and drive are one of a kind. There is never a time he isn’t smiling, and his knowledge and work ethic make him one of the most valuable members of the team. We are simply a worse company without Desmond.”

“Des was able to wear 1,000 hats all at once during the transition to the new platform.”



“The team he has put in place is amazing, and his guidance has really taken the SkyTrak marketing department to new heights. From sales to a new website, he deserves this award for what he’s done in this department.”

“Chris is the epitome of exceptional leadership and versatility, making him the ideal recipient of the Double Eagle Award. Despite being with GOLFTEC Enterprises for just over a year, his extensive experience and insights have significantly contributed to the company’s growth. His ability to embrace and excel in diverse projects, even those outside the realm of marketing, demonstrates his commitment to the team’s success. Under his guidance, Chris has built a team of high performers whose achievements under his leadership have led to a record-breaking year for SkyTrak. His dedication and skill in fostering a high-performing team environment have been instrumental in helping SkyTrak reach and surpass their goals.”

“Rare find – he’s never shy to take on new projects and see them through to completion while improving inefficiencies in other areas along the way.”



“Brandon shows a high level of integrity in all his work. In his position, there’s a lot of feedback, and he takes it all in and strives forward with an incredibly positive attitude. He never complains that direction has changed or work he just did might need to be redone again – he takes the feedback on with a great sense of pride always working toward accomplishing the best end product possible. He helps train others, he continues to improve his skill sets, and is willing to jump in to help with any projects.”

“Brandon is someone that you can rely on no matter the task.”